Before you look at today's web page, see if you can answer some of these questions about the events that happened on July 12. Some of the names are very familiar. Others will likely stump you. Tickle your curiosity with these questions, then check your answers on today's web page. |
Quotations for Today |
"" - |
Births |
R. B. Fuller, born 12 Jul 1895, was an American inventor, educator, author, philosopher, engineer and architect who developed the geodesic dome, the only large dome that can be set directly on the ground as a complete structure, and the only practical kind of building that has no limiting dimensions (i.e., beyond which the structural strength must be insufficient). He held over 2000 patents. What is his middle name? |
An African-American born on 12 Jul 1861 became a very famous educator, scientist, chemist, inventor, botanist. After the Civil War, Southern farmers planted cotton year after year, and the soil lost its fertility. Yields dropped. Between1890 and 1910, the cotton crop was devastated by the bolweevil. He was appointed head of the agriculture department at The Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in 1896. He discovered and taught how to maintain the fertility of the soil. Further, his discovered two new crops that would grow well there: peanuts and sweet potatoes. Further, he created a market by inventing hundreds of new uses for for these crops, from milk to printer's ink . Can you name this man? |
Deaths |
Ole Evinrude who died 12 Jul 1934 was a Norwegian inventor and manufacturer whose inspiration began one day while he was rowing his small boat. It struck him that rowing was more difficult than it needed to be, when his purpose was a picnic on a distant small island. What was the invention he devised to solve the problem? |
Events |
On 12 Jul 1920, a 51-mile water tollway had a formal celebration for its opening. It had started use six years earlier, however, when the first ship sailed through it on 15 Aug 1914. But at that time, the first World War was in progress. What is this waterway? |
On 12 Jul 1844, Captain J.N. Taylor of the Royal Navy first demonstrated a device that, at the time, was called a telephone - to mean far-signalling. (It was nothing like, and had nothing to do with what is now called a telephone.) By what name is it now known? |
Answers |
When you have your answers ready to all the questions above, you'll find all the information to check them, and more, on the July 12 web page Or, try this link first for just the brief answers. |
Fast answers for the previous newsletter for July 11: laser; "IQ" (intelligence quotient); first to use dissected human bodies in the teaching of anatomy in America; Joseph Wilson Swan; zippers instead of stitches for incisions likely to be reopened for further surgery. |
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