Τρίτη 3 Ιουλίου 2012

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

The advantages of being first

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 06:03 PM PDT

How people make choices depends on many factors, but a new study finds people consistently prefer the options that come first: first in line, first college to offer acceptance, first salad on the menu -- first is considered best.

Women infected with common parasite have increased risk of attempting suicide, study finds

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 06:01 PM PDT

Women infected with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, which is spread through contact with cat feces or eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables, are at increased risk of attempting suicide, according to a new study of more than 45,000 women.

Day dreaming good for you? Reflection is critical for development and well-being

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 03:40 PM PDT

As each day passes, the pace of life seems to accelerate -- demands on productivity continue ever upward and there is hardly ever a moment when we aren't, in some way, in touch with our family, friends, or coworkers. While moments for reflection may be hard to come by, a new article suggests that the long-lost art of introspection --even daydreaming -- may be an increasingly valuable part of life.

Genes may play role in educational achievement

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 02:27 PM PDT

Researchers have identified genetic markers that may influence whether a person finishes high school and goes on to college, according to a national longitudinal study of thousands of young Americans.

Mosquitoes: How we smell is why they bite

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 12:32 PM PDT

A mosquito biologist is studying the olfactory behavior of mosquitoes as a means of developing more effective methods of disease control.

'Self-distancing' can help people calm aggressive reactions, study finds

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 12:32 PM PDT

A new study reveals a simple strategy that people can use to minimize how angry and aggressive they get when they are provoked by others.

Got kids? Then you're less likely to catch a cold

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 12:26 PM PDT

Being a parent reduces your risk of catching a cold—possibly because of unknown "psychological or behavioral differences between parents and nonparents," according to a new study.

Are brown widows displacing black widow spiders around southern California homes?

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 10:44 AM PDT

Brown widow spiders are relatively new to North America, where they were first documented in Florida in 1935, and even newer to southern California, where they were only recently discovered in 2003. However, in the last decade they've been so successful that they may be displacing native black widow spiders. If so, the overall danger to homeowners may decrease because brown widow spider bites are less toxic than those of native western black widow spiders.

Physics confirms sprinters are performing better than ever before

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 10:40 AM PDT

Experts reveal that the men's 100 m sprint will be one event not to miss this summer.

Mapping research with WikiMaps

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 10:32 AM PDT

An international research team has developed a dynamic tool that allows you to see a map of what is "important" on Wikipedia and the connections between different entries. The tool, which is currently in the "alpha" phase of development, displays classic musicians, bands, people born in the 1980s, and selected celebrities, including Lady Gaga, Barack Obama, and Justin Bieber. A slider control, or play button, lets you move through time to see how a particular topic or group has evolved over the last 3 or 4 years. The desktop version allows you to select any article or topic.

Drinking coffee may reduce risk of most common form of skin cancer

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 10:29 AM PDT

Increasing the number of cups of caffeinated coffee you drink could lower your risk of developing the most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, according to a new article.

3-D movies linked to increased vision symptoms

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 10:29 AM PDT

Watching 3-D movies can "immerse" you in the experience -— but can also lead to visual symptoms and even motion sickness, reports a new article.

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