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Before you look at today's web page, see if you can answer some of these questions about the events that happened on this day. Some of the names are very familiar. Others will likely stump you. Tickle your curiosity with these questions, then check your answers on today's web page. | |
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Quotations for Today | |
"Constant muscular activity was natural for the child, and, therefore, the immense effort of the drillmaster teachers to make children sit still was harmful and useless." - G. Stanley Hall, American psychologist who developed child psychology and educational psychology (born 1 Feb 1844) "I am almost inclined to coin a word and call the appearance fluorescence, from fluor-spar, as the analogous term opalescence is derived from the name of a mineral." - Sir George Gabriel Stokes, British mathematical physicist (died 1 Feb 1903) "...the recognition of an organism as an animal or a plant, is dependent upon its supposed correspondence with an abstract idea of what a plant or animal should be, based on certain fancied points of agreement between the members of each class." - Eduard Strasburger (born 1 Feb 1844) | |
QUIZ | |
Births | |
Emilio Gino Segrè, born 1 Feb 1905, was an Italian-born American physicist who was co-winner, with Owen Chamberlain of the United States, of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1959 for the discovery of an antiparticle. He also created atoms of the man-made new element technetium (1937) and astatine (1940). Which antiparticle did he discover? | |
Eduard Strasburger, born 1 Feb 1844, was a German plant cytologist who elucidated the process of nuclear division in the plant kingdom. He showed that the sperm and the egg have half the number of chromosomes found in body cells, and coined terms for the fluids found in a cell and its nucleus. What are the terms he coined for a fluid found in a cell and its nucleus? | |
Deaths | |
A German physicist (1901-1976) who formulated quantum mechanics in terms of matrices was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for 1932. In 1927 he published his indeterminacy, or uncertainty, principle, for which he is best known. Can you name this physicist? | |
Events | |
On 1 Feb 1972, the first scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) was introduced in the U.S. What was the price of the HP-32 calculator? | |
On 1 Feb 1959, Texas Instruments was issued a patent for an electronic device that made possible such innovations as the calculator above. What was the new TI electronic component? | |
Answers | |
When you have your answers ready to all the questions above, you'll find all the information to check them, and more, on the February 1 web page of Today in Science History. Or, try this link first for just the brief answers. | |
Fast answers for the previous newsletter for January 31: gamma-rays; decade including the year 1907; FM (frequency modulation); Explorer-I. | |
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