Δευτέρα 2 Ιουνίου 2014

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

ScienceDaily: Living Well News

Risk of death highest following surgery in afternoons, at weekends, and in February

Posted: 31 May 2014 06:35 PM PDT

On weekends, in the afternoons and in February are the times when the risk of death following surgery is the highest, research demonstrates. Hospital mortality is subject to day-night, weekly and seasonal variability. However, a cyclic influence on hospital mortality has not been shown in patients after surgery. In this study, the researchers investigated the daily, weekly, and seasonal variability of hospital mortality in patients after surgery.

'Often and early' gives children a taste for vegetables

Posted: 30 May 2014 04:05 PM PDT

Exposing infants to a new vegetable early in life encourages them to eat more of it compared to offering novel vegetables to older children, new research suggests. The researchers also found that even fussy eaters are able to eat a bit more of a new vegetable each time they are offered it.

Quality of preschools depends on where you live

Posted: 30 May 2014 12:59 PM PDT

Private and voluntary (not-for-profit) nurseries and preschools catering for disadvantaged areas and children are lower quality than those serving more advantaged areas and children, according to research. The 'quality gap' is widest in relation to how they support children's language skills. This finding is particularly significant given that disadvantaged children at the age of five are already almost a year behind those from wealthier backgrounds in terms of their vocabulary, and the gap increases as they move through school.

Quality, Not Quantity, Counts Most in Exercise, Diet

Posted: 30 May 2014 12:41 PM PDT

The clear benefits of a multi-dimensional exercise regimen that includes resistance exercise, interval sprint exercise, stretching (including yoga or pilates), endurance exercise, and moderate amounts of protein consumed regularly throughout the day have been demonstrated and reported by exercise scientists. If your goal is to lose weight and maintain optimal health and fitness, the quality of your exercise and diet regimen matters more than the quantity, they say.

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