Σάββατο 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News

ScienceDaily: Top Environment News

Cave dwelling nettle discovered in China

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 10:37 AM PST

British and Chinese botanists have discovered several new species of nettles growing in the entrance caverns of caves in 0.04 to 3 percent daylight. There has been little exploration of these caves for plants but recent studies are discovering many species new to science.

More serious earthquakes predicted in the Himalayas

Posted: 28 Dec 2012 05:40 AM PST

Scientists have discovered that massive earthquakes in the range of 8 to 8.5 magnitudes on the Richter scale have left clear ground scars in the central Himalayas. This ground-breaking discovery has huge implications for the area along the front of the Himalayan Mountains, given that the region has a population density similar to that of New York City.

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